After the Soyuz rocket flopped on October 11 only minutes after take off - the principal such episode in the historical backdrop of post-Soviet space travel - Russia suspended all space flights.

spaceship, us spaceship, rocket First supply outing to space since Soyuz disappointment ready to dispatch | Photo Credit: AFP buy rdp
A US spaceship stacked with provisions for the International Space Station is ready to dispatch Thursday, denoting the principal such excursion since a Soyuz rocket conveying three individuals flopped a month ago. At last, NASA included some additional provisions for the three circling researchers, to be safe. The following Soyuz dispatch, with three more space travelers on board - one Russian, one Canadian and one American - is gotten ready for December 3.
The additional rigging incorporates extra extras for the station's water recuperation framework and pee processor, a NASA representative told AFP. A few such frameworks are as of now set up on the ISS, however the additional items are intended to fill in as a reinforcement on the off chance that the station experiences a period where nobody is ready. The current team of three is just slated to stay until January.
Space explorers have ceaselessly inhabited the circling station since 2000, arriving and leaving in teams of two to seven at any given moment.
The freight will be transported to space on a Cygnus load dispatch, propelled by an Antares rocket from Wallops Island, Virginia, at 4:49 am (09H49 GMT) Thursday.
That is if the climate collaborates. Starting late Tuesday, the estimate was only 30 percent great, with thick mists and rain liable to meddle with the dispatch designs, NASA said.
After the Soyuz rocket bombed on October 11 only minutes after launch - the main such occurrence in the historical backdrop of post-Soviet space travel - Russia suspended all space flights.
The space travelers on board were not harmed. Russia has since faulted the issue for a sensor that was harmed amid gathering at the Baikonur cosmodrome.
Russia is as of now the main country on the planet fit for propelling people to space. The US ability finished in 2011 when the space carry program was resigned following 30 years.

spaceship, us spaceship, rocket First supply outing to space since Soyuz disappointment ready to dispatch | Photo Credit: AFP buy rdp
A US spaceship stacked with provisions for the International Space Station is ready to dispatch Thursday, denoting the principal such excursion since a Soyuz rocket conveying three individuals flopped a month ago. At last, NASA included some additional provisions for the three circling researchers, to be safe. The following Soyuz dispatch, with three more space travelers on board - one Russian, one Canadian and one American - is gotten ready for December 3.
The additional rigging incorporates extra extras for the station's water recuperation framework and pee processor, a NASA representative told AFP. A few such frameworks are as of now set up on the ISS, however the additional items are intended to fill in as a reinforcement on the off chance that the station experiences a period where nobody is ready. The current team of three is just slated to stay until January.
Space explorers have ceaselessly inhabited the circling station since 2000, arriving and leaving in teams of two to seven at any given moment.
The freight will be transported to space on a Cygnus load dispatch, propelled by an Antares rocket from Wallops Island, Virginia, at 4:49 am (09H49 GMT) Thursday.
That is if the climate collaborates. Starting late Tuesday, the estimate was only 30 percent great, with thick mists and rain liable to meddle with the dispatch designs, NASA said.
After the Soyuz rocket bombed on October 11 only minutes after launch - the main such occurrence in the historical backdrop of post-Soviet space travel - Russia suspended all space flights.
The space travelers on board were not harmed. Russia has since faulted the issue for a sensor that was harmed amid gathering at the Baikonur cosmodrome.
Russia is as of now the main country on the planet fit for propelling people to space. The US ability finished in 2011 when the space carry program was resigned following 30 years.